
Out of Hours

The surgery is closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
When the surgery is closed, out of hours calls are dealt with by NHS111. Telephone 111 and you will be directed to the most appropriate medical service for your health needs. 

Home Visits
Requests for home visits should be made before 10am. The clinican will contact you by telephone first to triage.

Online Appointments

The practice is now offering a new online service Please download 

Alternatively To access the website to book an appointment online please visit


Online Prescriptions
Order your repeat medication online!  Visit the prescriptions page for more details

important information

All GP Surgeries have adopted telephone, e-consultations & video conultations to provide remote consultations. 

Where necessary, if technology has not provided a resolution we have invited patients to the practice to further assess their condition in a Covid safe enviroment.

If you struggle with technology please telephone the practice and we will be happy to discuss how yours needs will be met by the practice.

We want to keep patients safe and as far as possible manage your problems remotely.  GPs need to minimise the footfall in their premises to ensure that as far as possible we do not put any of our staff or patients at extra risk.

You should contact the practice to regarding any concerns you have, do not ignore any ailments.


Pride in Practice

Pride in practice

Zero Tolerance

This practice operates a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and abuse of staff, patients, or other visitors. This includes (but is not limited to) sexism, racism homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and ageism, or harassment or abuse on the basis of disability, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief.

Confidentiality Statement

We hold your patient records in the strictest confidence, regardless of whether they are electronic or on paper. We take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorised access to your records, however they are stored. Any information that may identify you is only shared with the practice team, or, if you are referred to hospital, to the clinician who will be treating you. We will only share information about you with anyone else if you give your permission in writing.

Equality and Diversity Statement

This practice believes in fairness and equality, and above all, values diversity. All staff have ongoing equality and diversity training and our equality and diversity policies are reviewed annually.

Screening for trans and non-binary patients

Trans and non-binary patients may not be invited to routine screenings and can miss out on important health checks. Please ask a doctor or nurse to see if you’re due a screening and book an appointment to discuss how we can make your screening most comfortable for you.

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